Prof. Ivan Tack

Expert Bio
Professor Ivan Tack, MD, PhD is a nephrologist, Head of the Dpt of Clinical Physiology in Rangueil hospital since 2006 and Chairman of the Dpt of Physiology at Paul Sabatier University – Toulouse School of Medicine, France.
He experienced a post doctoral fellowship at University of Miami School of Medicine, Dpt of Nephrology (USA) working on pathophysiology of diabetic nephropathy.
His clinical activity mostly focuses on water and electrolytes disorders, inherited tubular diseases and metabolic impact of nutritional disorders, including renal stone diseases and osteoporosis.
Concomitantly he is involved in experimental research (INSERM Unity 1048, Toulouse) with a focus on early protection from renal diseases based on in vivoexperimental modelling (main models: diabetic nephropathy, post-hemorrhagic acute kidney injury, renal stone disease in murine).
He has authored/co-authored over 80 peer-reviewed scientific articles and regularly contributes to the development of French Health High Authority program. Professor Tack is a member of the American Society of Nephrology, American Physiological Society and also collaborates with Danone Nutritia Research since 2007 as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board (Water Division).